The author would recommend that a full lubrication/ignition system service is carried out on any newly acquired car irrespective of any evidence of the fabled full service history or any claim by the vendor that the car is perfect and freshly serviced. Apart from giving you the peace of mind which comes from knowing that the job has been properly done, it might also unearth some latent fault which has so far escaped your attention. It also gives you a clean starting point for future servicing. (Details of how to carry out the various tasks are given in the following chapter.)
Change the engine oil and clean the strainer. Even better, clean the strainer then flush the system with a proprietary fluid before replacing the oil.
Top up the transaxle oil. Attack the car with a grease gun and fill every nipple until clean grease emerges, then wipe off any excess. Then get out the pumping oil can and attend to the hinges, locks, window winding mechanisms and so on.
It is advisable to change the brake fluid, not only to get new fluid pumping through the lines but also to check that the bleed nipples are not seized. Then adjust the handbrake and handbrake lever travel, and check the efficiency of the brakes against the engine before venturing out onto the public highway. To check the brakes you simply let the clutch pedal out slowly with the engine at tickover, the car in first gear and either the handbrake or footbrake engaged, ready to depress the . clutch pedal the moment that the engine begins to labour. If the engine does not labour then the clutch is slipping, unless the car happens to be moving forward, in which case the brakes are not functioning. Finally the tracking should be checked at any service centre.