The first step on a restoration or indeed any major mechanical job is to make the car safe, not only disconnecting and preferably removing the battery, but also the fuel tank and lines, as well as bleeding the brakes to remove all highly flammable liquids. (Brake bleeding is covered in detail in the section dealing with the braking system.)
The fuel tank is situated within the front luggage compartment, usually covered with carpeting or trim. Its removal usually precedes a full restoration, although it may prove necessary to remove it to check suspected leakage. Disconnect the battery, and pull the petrol gauge wire connector from the terminal on the sender unit.
If possible, the tank should be drained of as much petrol as possible, and this can be accomplished in two ways. It is feasible to clamp the flexible line under the tank, to disconnect the fuel line and to connect up another line which is lead to a suitable receptacle. Most people will opt to siphon the fuel out. Whichever method is used, the author would strongly advise that the tank and receptacle are earthed: that they are connected by a length of wire which will prevent any chance of static electrical discharges between the two, which could ignite the fuel/air mixture.
Undo the fitting which holds the fuel filler pipe to the tank and pull this from the tank, then stuff the tank filler hole with rag to prevent accidental spillage. Undo the set screws which secure the tank and lift it just high enough to get a clamp (a brake hose clamp is ideal) onto the
flexible hose on the outlet. The tank may now be lifted out carefully, and is best stored in a separate
Examine the fuel tank minutely (especially the underside and seams) for signs of rust or even tiny perforations. Never attempt to repair a fuel tank; if it leaks, replace it and ask your local garage to dispose of the old one safely for you.