Spring clips hold the brake line! hose union to the suspension.
Itnen refitting brake hoses on the front wheels, ensure that they cannot bend and foul the tyre at full lock. •
always wear eye protection, just in case the compressed air sprays brake fluid into the air and, for the same reason, don't work near a naked flame. Fit a clamp (a small &clamp is ideal) to retain one of the pistons, then use the air to move the other piston forwards but not out of the calliper. Open up the C-clamp to accommodate the freed piston. then use the air to drive the other out of the calliper. The first piston should now be removable by hand.
Examine the pistons and their bores for scoring and replace if necessary. Inspect the dust sealing ring and piston sealing ring for cuts or undue wear, and replace these if necessary. Before reassembly, lubricate the cylinder bores and pistons with clean brake fluid. Fit the piston sealing ring. then the piston, ensuring that the piston does not tilt within the bore. Push the piston in until approximately 'A in. remains proud, then finally fit the dust sealing ring and its retaining ring.
Occasionally, a car which has been standing idle for a time will suffer from sticking brake calliper pistons. This greatly reduces braking efficiency, and the extra load it places on the wheels with good brakes will manifest itself by those brakes locking-up under hard braking - this is especially notable when both discs are seized. Remove the pads. then examine the exposed portion of the pistons on the sticking callipers to ensure that they are not badly corroded and hence in need of replacement. If the pistons seem OK, then try replacing one pad and using a small C-clamp or a proper piston pusher to move the other piston back into the calliper. Then fit the pad to the other piston. and repeat. When both pistons are fully home. push them back out by pressing on the brake pedal. and repeat the process until the pistons are able to move properly. Check the brake fluid level frequently as you work.
One final point: when replacing the brake hoses on the front wheels following a restoration, check that they will not foul the tyres with the steering on full lock in addition to being an MOT failure point, this causes rapid wear of the brake hose.
Examine the pistons and their bores for scoring and replace if necessary. Inspect the dust sealing ring and piston sealing ring for cuts or undue wear, and replace these if necessary. Before reassembly, lubricate the cylinder bores and pistons with clean brake fluid. Fit the piston sealing ring. then the piston, ensuring that the piston does not tilt within the bore. Push the piston in until approximately 'A in. remains proud, then finally fit the dust sealing ring and its retaining ring.
Occasionally, a car which has been standing idle for a time will suffer from sticking brake calliper pistons. This greatly reduces braking efficiency, and the extra load it places on the wheels with good brakes will manifest itself by those brakes locking-up under hard braking - this is especially notable when both discs are seized. Remove the pads. then examine the exposed portion of the pistons on the sticking callipers to ensure that they are not badly corroded and hence in need of replacement. If the pistons seem OK, then try replacing one pad and using a small C-clamp or a proper piston pusher to move the other piston back into the calliper. Then fit the pad to the other piston. and repeat. When both pistons are fully home. push them back out by pressing on the brake pedal. and repeat the process until the pistons are able to move properly. Check the brake fluid level frequently as you work.
One final point: when replacing the brake hoses on the front wheels following a restoration, check that they will not foul the tyres with the steering on full lock in addition to being an MOT failure point, this causes rapid wear of the brake hose.