Ringing is far more likely to be encountered with later cars in most of the Beetle's markets, because there are so many still in circulation that finding a ringer of a particular year and colour is not too difficult. Of course, with the prices of all Beetles likely to continue rising there could come a day when it would be financially attractive for a thief to go to the trouble of respraying a ringer (if he was unable to steal one in the right colour) to match the seemingly 'legitimate' documentation he cars on the grounds of poor bodywork with a minimal visual inspection, and most auctioneers seem to build a `cooling off' period into their terms of business contract so that if the loom catches fire when you turn on the ignition to drive the car away, you can back out of the deal.
Classic car auctions attract many very knowledgeable people (and a great number who merely kick tyres and check to see whether the ash tray is full). By listening to the comments of the more expert appraisals, you can glean much useful information about individual cars. Be careful not to get caught doing this, just in case the person giving you a free lesson in car appraisal notices you and starts giving out false information!
Auctions are terrible places for impetuous people to shop. In the heat of the moment many buyers get completely carried away and really require a level headed assistant to help them keep their feet firmly on the ground. Try to take along an experienced Beetle enthusiast who can give you reasoned advice, just in case your enthusiasm takes over your own sense of reasoning.
Classic car auctions attract many very knowledgeable people (and a great number who merely kick tyres and check to see whether the ash tray is full). By listening to the comments of the more expert appraisals, you can glean much useful information about individual cars. Be careful not to get caught doing this, just in case the person giving you a free lesson in car appraisal notices you and starts giving out false information!
Auctions are terrible places for impetuous people to shop. In the heat of the moment many buyers get completely carried away and really require a level headed assistant to help them keep their feet firmly on the ground. Try to take along an experienced Beetle enthusiast who can give you reasoned advice, just in case your enthusiasm takes over your own sense of reasoning.